Director General's Message

Dear Visitors,

Welcome to the website of the SAARC Arbitration Council (SARCO)! It is a great pleasure to provide the visitors, members, stakeholders, entrepreneurs and the investors with up-to- date information about the Council and its activities.

SARCO is the only regional Alternate Dispute Resolution mechanism mandated by all SAARC Member States to act as the coordinating agency in the SAARC dispute resolution system. This Council is pleased to be available to individuals and organizations, who wish to resolve their disputes through its Arbitration and Conciliation services. SARCO provides efficient, flexible and impartial administration of arbitration and other ADR proceedings like Conciliation, regardless of location and under any system of law in the SAARC region.

It is, therefore, my privilege to serve at one of the first South Asian Inter-governmental body, SAARC Arbitration Council, and I look forward to working closely with businesses and investors within the SAARC region and beyond. We want to make sure that SARCO remaines committed in delivering quality, cost- efficient and time wise dispute resolution services to people through Arbitration and Conciliation. We welcome any feedback or questions you may have; the SARCO team is at your disposal.


Director General

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